Dr. Taketa-Wong utilizes la'au lapa'au (traditional Hawaiian herbal medicine), acupuncture, nutritional counseling, and evidence-based vitamins and nutrients to both help with fighting cancer and dramatically reducing the side effects associated with conventional cancer therapies. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are often important tools in fighting cancer, but they also bring many unwanted side effects, including extreme fatigue and weakness, recurring infections, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, radiation burns, and scarring. Many of Dr. Taketa-Wong's patients are able to go through conventional cancer treatments with more energy and significantly fewer side effects than other patients who are doing conventional treatments alone.
Dr. Taketa-Wong is trained in drug-herb-nutrient interactions, and takes care to ensure that none of her therapies interfere with conventional cancer treatments. The herbs and natural remedies she uses typically increase the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments, because they keep the patient healthier, giving them more energy and reducing the incidence of infections. This allows them to keep to their schedule for chemotherapy and radiation as prescribed by their oncologist (cancer doctor). Many patients doing conventional cancer care alone have to postpone chemo or radiation treatments because they become too weak or sick during the course of treatment. Dr. Taketa-Wong's therapies help to keep patients healthier so they can continue their treatment schedule and maximize their chances of beating cancer while keeping chemo and radiation side effects to a minimum.
While most of Dr. Taketa-Wong's patients choose to use a combination of conventional cancer treatments as well as natural remedies, a few of her patients have gone into remission using natural remedies alone. For patients who are strongly opposed to using conventional cancer therapies, Dr. Taketa-Wong will discuss their prognosis and let them know if she feels it is a viable option to use only natural remedies, depending on the type, stage and grade of their cancer.
While it’s good if cancer can be caught early, it is far and away better if it can be prevented. By learning what the risk factors are, we have a much better chance of avoiding the cancer. In this video -- originally a Facebook Live event -- Dr. Taketa-Wong reveals five risk factors that conventional medicine typically overlooks.
Surprisingly, one of the risks is insufficient sleep. We’ve learned a lot about the importance of sleep when it comes to productivity, emotional balance, and weight. But breast cancer? Yes, and the reason is that sleep is when the body can most effectively repair mistakes in the DNA. The four other risk factors are just as eye opening.
This presentation is another extraordinary example of the doctor's pioneering scientific knowledge and superb communication skills. Breast cancer—as with nearly all cancers—doesn’t happen overnight. It develops over a period of years. Learning about the breast cancer risk factors that are typically overlooked in conventional medicine can be an important step in helping reduce the chances of developing the disease.