NeurOptimal Provides A Relaxing, Enjoyable Way To Improve How Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression, Even ADHD And Autism, Are Treated
Dr. Taketa-Wong’s commitment to cutting edge science led her to bring in a new type of neurofeedback to augment her treatment protocols. It looks like a laptop, is called NeurOptimal, and it works directly with brain wave patterns. In fact, it actually helps improve brain response effortlessly while one listens to music or watches a movie.
Different kinds of brain waves produce different patterns of behavior. We have certain brain wave patterns when we’re feeling anxious or having a hard time sleeping or feeling upset or depressed. Other types of brain wave patterns occur when we’re feeling happy, relaxed, focused, on top of our game. NeurOptimal helps the brain to get into a more balanced brain wave pattern.
The technology can be helpful for focus and attention, feeling more calm, improving concentration and pattern recognition, and much more. Children with autism who had a lot of meltdowns and anxiety have calmed down significantly. They also have started talking more and using complex sentences. One child who had no interest in books started not only reading them but also reading to his brother. Children with ADHD have seen their attention and focus noticeably improve. Both children and adults who have difficulty sleeping are finding much better sleep from the technology.
Click here to watch a video with Dr. Taketa-Wong and guest as they explain the benefits of NeurOptimal.