Partnership For Health® is the treatment program that we designed in order to secure the strongest possible relationship between doctor and patient. With the partnership, patients see the doctor as more than a dispenser of knowledge and medicines. The doctor is also a guide and mentor—a partner -–helping patients learn how to advance their own health and well being.
In general, conventional medicine treats symptoms while holistic medicine treats all of the major components of complete health: nutritional, physical, emotional, and lifestyle. Focusing on symptoms alone can leave their underlying causes lurking in the background, just waiting for when the person’s system is vulnerable again.
In addition, with conventional medicine the patient is typically deprived of the power to understand what is happening in their own body. Our Partnership For Health® provides ongoing adjustments and refinements to build up a patient’s health and strength, prevent problems, and includes tutoring them on making the healthiest choices for their future.
Also, health is not static. With so much happening at every moment in our body, there is no hovering. Each day, we are either getting a little better or a little worse. Moving from this understanding to a plan of effective action is the key to ongoing success.
Real, lasting vitality and whole body health is built from the inside on a daily basis—doctor and patient working together to shape just the right combination of foods, herbs, vitamins, nutritional support, acupuncture, and lifestyle (and medication when necessary). By working as a team, our Partnership For Health® lowers patients’ office costs while at the same time providing a pathway to greater well-being.
The patient’s side of the Partnership For Health® is the commitment they make to their own health through our on-going programs. Rather than stand alone office visits, the partnership features eight to twelve month programs that allow patients to establish a commitment.
Commitment is powerful. It’s the key to well being because healing any condition involves improvements to daily routines. It’s the daily practice of key health activities that leads to increasing your health—including emotional well being—and preventing disease.
By working together as a team, our Partnership For Health® promotes ongoing adjustments and continuous improvement. A patient gains most when they incorporate small improvements in a variety of areas on a regular basis. It might mean adding a certain vitamin or herb, choosing less of one food and more of another, getting more sleep, having a specialized blood test, trying different exercises, or even doing some meditation. Having a doctor as your partner and guide is truly the best kind of medicine.